We just got back from a weekend getaway in Vegas with friends. While we were there, we stayed at The Aria - one of my favorite Vegas resorts that's hip but relaxing too (they have the best pool). We were up late nights sitting around the Blackjack table - I don't know who is more hooked me or Stevie! Anyway, yesterday when we were heading to the airport (I was ready for a nap) when Stevie mentioned that his skin always looks 'blah' when we leave Vegas. Why is it when we travel our skin does this thing where it decides not to cooperate and look its best?We can't let dry, blotchy, and blemished skin get in the way of ruining your next trip. I travel more than anybody I know so naturally I thought it would be helpful to share some of my beauty tips and tricks while traveling. I understand we all have our own individual #skinprobs, so I'm not going to speak to one specific skin type in this post. I think the goal to keep in mind is we all want to look and feel our best on a trip. Let's do thissss!
1. Mask The Night Before - I give myself a little facial every night before a trip. I'm totally into the organic at-home face masks - they're easy and cheap. If you're looking for one that will get your skin trip-ready and moisturized, try this one below:
2 table-spoons of plain yogurt (non-fat is fine)Half a teaspoon of olive oilPinch of TurmericDirections: Mix ingredients in a small bowl and apply all over face (and/or neck) with a clean brush. Leave on for 10-12 minutes and gently rinse. Follow with a moisturizer. You Glow girl! ;)
2. Swap Out, Swap In - When I'm traveling away from home sometimes the best solution for me is to switch up a few products from my daily routine to make it more suitable for my destination. For example, if I'm going to a desert city like Vegas, I typically will swap out my oil-free moisturizer and swap in my rich moisturizer for day and night to help prevent dryness. I also love having a rose water spray or this Vitamin C spray with me on the go. It's great to have in my bag for when my skin needs a pick-me-up. Both sprays will provide you an instant hydration boost while you're traveling.
3. Clean Plane Face - If I'm going to be flying in a plane for many hours, I always get on the plane with a clean-washed and moisturized face. I can easily go without makeup but if I'm in the mood to wear a little something then I'll stick with my top 3: Concealer, Blush, and Mascara. (What's your top 3?)
4. Avoid sodium - My nutritionist (that I just got!) said if I notice my feet or face looking puffy when I travel it's because my sodium intake is too high. When you're on the plane or maybe visiting a place like Colorado that is higher in altitude, then sodium is your worst nightmare. It can be a factor for causing excess skin dryness and puffiness so be cautious when traveling. Your best solution is to drink plenty of water (sometimes we forget when we're having fun!) so keep that in mind.
5. Don't Get Lazy - I know you're in vacation mode and it's easier to just go to sleep with your makeup on and wash it off in the morning. Try to avoid this at all costs! Sleeping with makeup on does a lot more damage than we think (especially if you're prone to blemishes). We're out and about all day when we travel so imagine the dust and germs from outside that are literally sitting on the surface of your skin until you wash it off. Your pores are screaming, "Help me. I can't breathe!!" LOL. When you're sleeping with a clean face at night you're letting your pores breathe and also giving your skin a chance to recover from the day. Worst case scenario if you can't do the entire routine, AT LEAST use a gentle cleansing wipe to get rid of all the makeup and dirt. (I love this fragrance-free one)
A little goes a long way in the beauty world. ;) Let me know if these tips will be helpful to you for your next travel.
P.S. My favorite skincare products + a no-foundation makeup tutorial Cheers!(Outfit credit: Yumi Kim)