A few weeks ago I got the amazing opportunity to meet/hang out with Jennifer Aniston! SAY WHAT. Never in a million years did I think I’d be typing that on my blog. ahhh! :) It was all thanks to Living Proof who set up the entire thing. Ready to re-live the fun one-on-one experience with me?Today I’m so excited to take you back and share details from our one-on-one. I’m leaving no detail untold. Let’s do this!When I arrived at the top secret location to meet Jennifer in Beverly Hills, I was so nervous. I don’t usually get starstruck (thanks to living in LA for 3 years), but Jennifer has been my favorite actress and hair idol of all time. I was taken up to the suite where Jen was waiting for me. It was one of those walk up moments you’ll never forget. All nerves aside, I had my interview questions in my hand and I was excited to meet her in real life. I was greeted by her publicist when I got to the door and she sat with me. As we had casual conversation, an energetic Jennifer Aniston walks into the room and says, “Hey there!” I died inside. I gave her a hug and the first thing I told her was how nervous I felt getting ready to meet her - more than I was on my wedding day! Instantly she made me feel comfortable and relaxed. After that the nerves went away and I was in full interview mode!
They let me record the interview on my phone so that way I could write her responses word for word on my blog! I asked her tons of questions from her partnership with Living Proof to her beauty secrets and more. Below are my top favorite questions I asked. Enjoy!
The Interview
Sazan: Can I just say, you have the best hair EVER. I highly doubt it but what is one hair struggle you face on a daily basis?Jen: Frizz! I have curly, wavy, inconsistent hair that weather just poofs up! If it was a beautiful curl that I could just let happen I would - but no. Frizz!!Sazan: What is your favorite beauty secret?!Jen: Sleep..and water water water of course is important.Sazan: What is one beauty routine/regimen before bed?Jen: I wash my face with Aveeno exfoliating scrub every night. I keep it simple.Sazan: Why did you decide to partner up with Living Proof and why should women pay attention to their hair?Jen: Well, they should pay attention to their hair because it’s their hair! They pay attention to their diets and bodies. They should pay attention to the product they put in their hair. That totally changed the health of my hair. When Living Proof approached me, as other hair care companies had before, Jon Flint walked me through the science of it all. All of these scientists who worked in medicine were working for women’s haircare and I was intrigued. I love that “you are the living proof” - it’s not a gimmick.Sazan: Now with that being said, what’s your favorite Living Proof product?Jen: I’m gonna say the Restore Mask because that’s a weekly thing I use - I like what it does for my hair and it works great.Sazan: How do you keep your hair so healthy - is it a combination of product or diet? Both?Jen: Diet of course and not over styling. With Living Proof you don’t have to wash your hair everyday which prevents wearing it down and stripping your hair of its natural oils.Sazan: Whether it’s on or off screen, I think everyone agrees when I say that you are the classiest woman in Hollywood. What’s the recipe behind your success?Jen: I have the most gorgeous support of women and friends that I owe everything to. We’ve mothered each other, been there for each other. They’re so smart, real and grounded. I think I’ve always lucked out in having a strong tribe of women around me.Sazan: St. Jude Hospital - I couldn’t help but love you more after seeing the commercial and having a family member touched by cancer. What inspired you to team up with them and to be part of such a great cause?Jen: Marlo Thomas who I’ve known since I was a little girl, who also played my mother on Friends - Her father Danny Thomas started St. Jude. When she did the first episode of Friends back in 1996 or 97’, she invited me to come to one of their events which I had never heard about. I was just a wreck after hearing all the stories. When you see a little 8-year-old child or teenager who is battling cancer when they should be enjoying life - there’s something about it that gets you.Sazan: How long have you gone without washing your hair - foreal, foreal.Jen: I can easily say I’ve gone 5 days. But it was probably on a sick week or something. I can easily go 3 or 4 days with the Living Proof dry shampoo though. I never used them before, I hated them. It felt like baking powder in my hair.Sazan: If you could pull off another hairstyle what would it be?Jen: I would love a short pixi cut. Just get out of bed, really cool fun colors every now and then.Sazan: I bet you could totally pull it off now if you wanted toJen: ABSOLUTELY NOT! (laughs)She was seriously the sweetest person on the planet. I had so much fun and I’m so glad that this post can live on my blog forever! I never want to forget that day. Ever since teaming up with Living Proof and visiting their lab, I have a better understand of my hair. (I totally recommend you try this - it helps you find the best products for your personal hair.) The products I personally love and used on my hair that day was the leave in conditioner, dry shampoo at the roots, and flex hairspray to hold my curls.Cheers!