"No Shave November" is an annual tradition where guys can basically get away with not shaving their beards for the entire month of November. They take a bunch of #BeardProgress selfies on their Instagram and get all the buzz (pun intended). Not shaving for a month?! Sounds like a dream come true if you ask me. This had me thinking though, what if ladies went an entire month without grooming themselves? *GASPS FOR AIR* Can you imagine walking into work with hairy legs and peach fuzz on your upper lip? Suddenly, all the attention is on you. If you're a dark-haired girl like me, your boss might mistake you for a man. hahaha
Okay I'm a little dramatic but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last a day. I know I'm not alone in this. I recently had a funny convo with some of my girls and we all agreed that men's razors are better than women's. Why is that!? Anyways, I thought it would be funny and kind of serious to share my take on No Shave November from a female stand point. Hope you enjoy the video and will share your comments.
Subscribe to my channel! , Razor pack from Sally Beauty Supply
Update: Okay so I'm getting tons of questions on social about how in the world I shave it without it growing back thicker? In the video, I mentioned I shave my mustache and my uni-brow. Correction! For my eyebrows, I do tweeze the fine middle hair out but I don't tweeze out the hair in the brow. I'll trim it with my brow razor. (full routine video here) However, I do use these thin razors to shave off the 'stache! It works for me and the hair doesn't come back thicker - that is such a myth! Always remember what works for some may not work for all. (P.S did you know shaving is an amazing skin exfoliator? hehe)
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