Figuring out your face shape can be one of those annoying things that's easier said than done. I'll never forget that one time I tried tracing my face in the mirror with cheap lipstick. #FAILIn today's post, we'll pinpoint exactly what your face shape. It's like knowing your body-type so you can dress it appropriately. When you know your face shape, you'll discover the flattering makeup colors and hairstyles for your unique face.Remember that time you showed your hairdresser that celebrity haircut you wanted and then ended up looking like FUHHHFREAKINGGG SHREK!?! I feel you. It's because Jennifer Aniston is a square shape and you are a -- well what are you? Find out below..
images from Byrdie.comP.S. Fun exercise: Once you discover your face shape, try "Face Swapping" with a celebrity who also has the same/similar shape on Snapchat!!
Let's face it (LITERALLY!), our face shape can change over the years. I've gone from round to oval and maybe I was a diamond at one point? It's normal to go from a round face to perhaps a more oval frame as you naturally age and shed facial fat. The best way for me to get to the bottom of this was by asking 3 of my my closest friends to take a look at the diagram and decide for me. I guess you can say I put my face in their hands (da-ra-da!)It was a unanimous Oval. I say I'm a mix between round and oval. Regardless, that might be why I've gotten away with parting my hair in a million different ways. See below! Speaking of hair parts, now that you know your face shape, a simple update to your part can highlight facial features, bring your cheekbones out, soften up sharp angles, and more. So keep that in mind for your next haircut.
Celebrity hairdresser to many, but ultimately my MANE man, Lee Rittiner cuts my bangs so that I can easily part them down the middle or more on one side if I want. Genius!Now you can confidently take on the world with a better understanding of your face shape. So tell me...what's your face shape?Cheers!