Today I am so thrilled to take you back to Cambridge with me to relive an unforgettable field-trip experience at the Living Proof headquarters...or should I say hairquarters? ;)
When I received an email in my inbox 3 months ago about an exciting opportunity with Living Proof I was at a loss for words. I thought it was one of those spam emails that everyone gets. Thankfully I didn’t delete it realizing it was no joke. Living Proof has been a brand that I’ve stopped to admire when I’m out and about shopping for new hair products. My first thought was, “holy cow they are legit!” It gets better. My husband and I jumped on a call with them and died when they said that they hand-picked me along with just 4 other influencers for this unique opportunity. They mentioned a field-trip to their lab in Boston to discover the science and ‘living proof’ behind Living Proof.
Before the trip, I knew little to nothing about how much science goes into their hair products. All I knew was I had their Curl Wash in my shower and I liked it. ha This was all about to change....When I arrived in Boston I was greeted by some of the sweetest gals from the Living Proof team. It was so incredible hearing everyones personal hair testimonies and discovering fun facts about the brand. I also met the other 4 blogger babes that night. I instantly hit it off with Mimi from Mimi G. Style, Bri from Design Love Fest, Keiko from Keiko Lynn, and Cara from Maskcara. I knew I was in good company after seeing how we all have different hair types with unique personalities that match.
When we arrived at the Living Proof lab it was such a cool feeling. Within seconds, we met the CEO and all of the head scientists behind Living Proof. I was totally fan-girling inside. When I met Chris McMillan, who was face-timing Jennifer Aniston at one point during the day, I almost died and went to heaven. He is the funniest person and the king of hair. Did I mention he’s also a hair doctor? For example, he can look at your hair and tell you exactly what it needs. When he saw my hair (it was straight that day) he knew it was naturally curly based on the texture and suddenly started prescribing me a list of Living Proof products I should try on my hair.
When we got our one-on-one with Chris for a mini makeover, he sold me with their product spray called Straight. He showed me how to use it correctly and it really did work! I couldn’t believe how soft and shiny my hair got. During my session with Chris, I also learned ways to make my natural curls look more bouncy and frizz-free. He recommended Living Proof’s Night Cap and told me to never touch my hair when I get out of the shower. He said to always let it air dry and to keep my fingers away from touching it because that will cause frizziness! Once it dries, then you can tweak/style. I tried this a few days after and couldn’t believe that it really worked. (I’m thinking about doing a tutorial soon so stay tuned)
I loved getting to put goggles on and tour the lab like a legit scientist. Science was never my best subject in school - just sayin’. It was so cool getting an up close and personal look at the experiments they’re working on. They showed us so many cool diagrams and facts about the science in some of their products vs competitors. I literally witnessed the living proof (there I go again!) of where the products are made. As a consumer it gives me peace of mind knowing that all of their products are carefully monitored in-house.
I saw a lot of great things during our day, but the biggest takeaway for me was seeing how passionate Living Proof’s team is. Not only are they fans of their products, but they are fans of their jobs. From Scientist Soo-Young sharing her personal testimony about working in cancer research before Living Proof, to Scientist Eric Spengler sharing the list of Living Proof products he loves the most - it was truly a memorable day from start to finish. At one point I was sitting next to the CEO Grace (no big deal), and she was asking me where I got my shoes from slash what my favorite stores are. Everyone was so inviting and friendly. I couldn't wait to blog about it!I mentioned feeling lucky when this opportunity hit my inbox, but after the summit, I feel honored with purpose. I’ll never look at a Living Proof product the same again, that’s for sure. It’s moments like these when I feel incredibly blessed getting to do what I do. Can’t wait to share our next project coming up soon!P.S I hope this post inspires your next hairstyle. Cheers to finding #YourBestHair <3