Hey cuties! I'm currently on the plane heading to New York Fashion Week. I can't believe it's already that time of year. I've been going to NYFW for many years now since it's become a huge part of the blogging world. I have a feeling this one is going to be the best one yet.But FIRST... did you see my NYFW Police video I uploaded on my channel this morning? I am fashion policing some my old NYC outfits. Pretty funny. lol!
I am happy to share that fashion week will officially kick off an exciting partnership I signed with Maybelline!!!! We are going to have lots of fun. And by we, I mean YOU and ME. #HelloMakeupTutorials. I'm excited to be sharing the ambassadorship stage with one of my closest gal pals and fellow Youtubers Teni Panosian . If you follow both of us on Insta, then I'm sure you'll see us covering lots of fun events together in NYC and perhaps a random MEET AND GREET?? If you want this to happen comment below and let me know.P.S. Any New Yorkers out there? I won't have tons of down time this trip, but I'm looking forward to trying some new local eateries while I'm in town. If you know any good spots, comment below. Pizza is always welcome. :)As always, I love taking you guys with me on my #sazantravels adventures. I'm going to try my best to VLOG this trip, but make sure you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat (sazanbarzani) so you don't miss a beat!See you in the big apple!!