Heyyy fam! Today I'm excited to share part 2 of my Jamaica travel guide slash recent Caribbean adventure! This trip was seriously one of my all time favorites. I got to relax for once! I was accompanied by several of my fellow bloggers who you might recognize in the pics. Everything was so picture perfect (a blogger's heaven!) while staying at the amazing Round Hill resort. If you're ever in Montego Bay I totally recommend you check it out. You won't regret it. Besides relaxing on the beach, I also got to explore Jamaica! Along the way I had to face some of my fears which you'll see in just a second. Here's a recap video and some pictures I grabbed from my Instagram to help explain it all. Hope you enjoy!
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Soludos meets sand
Wink smile?
Meet the Jamaican crew. Bloggers #selfie ;)
WOAH is an understatement. The view from my villa at Round Hill Resort. So breathtaking!
Mmmmmm room service. This passion fruit smoothie gave me life! <3
I was so terrified (as you can see on my face) but I did it! I mastered zip-lining through Jamaica!! Many of you asked about these cobalt shorts, they're from Cult Denim and were super comfy for all the crazy activities we got into! <3
Roadside coconuts. We had to stop the car and try one! They were pulled from the trees and tasted so refreshing.
Little white cover-up made dress. Love it so much!
50 Shades of Blue (basically) // Bikini, Shoshanna
Eenie, meenie, minie, moe..Can you guess which one is me? hehe P.S Which Soludos pattern is your favorite? They were so comfy and fun to bring along on the adventures.
Witnessed the most beautiful sunsets everyday at Round Hill. <3
So much love for Jamaaaaaica! <3
Special thanks to my dear friends Beca and Justin for inviting me on this trip and the amazing Round Hill resort staff + Jamaica for taking good care of us. Can't wait to go back!