Hey cuties! It's been a week since I've been back from Colorado and I'm already wishing I could go back. I had such an amazing trip, and I am super stoked today to share my travel vlog- as promised. I decided to take this trip as a vacation to rest my mind, body and soul! It was just what I needed. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime to take on Denver with than Mr. Stevie Hendrix. This video really shares our goofier sides and I'm warning you - I'm not wearing any makeup in most of these shots! haa. What can I say, I was on vacation ;) #AkaLAZYI was up last night until 4 am editing this video. There was so much footage to sort through! I'm really happy with the way it turned out and I hope this vlog will inspire you to visit Colorado if you haven't already. It is such a beautiful place. If you're a nature lover like me, I totally recommend you visit asap!
Hope you enjoyed the video! Please saz-scribe to my channel for updates on new videos I upload etc. Also comment and let me know if I should do more vlogs + if you guys want to see more of my crazy Stevie!!