(Photo above: Outfit from Old Navy - shop sweatshirt, top, bottoms)Everyone always seems to ask me what my fitness routine is and how I make time for fitness in my busy lifestyle. The reason I haven’t posted anything about it on my blog in forever is because it's ever-changing. Life is BUSY, and one week rarely looks like another. For a long time, I thought I needed a strict routine that I stuck to in order to stay disciplined and fit, but I quickly realized that just wasn’t a possibility. If I restricted myself to a scheduled routine, then all I would end up doing was missing a workout due to something with work getting in the way. I had to figure out that just being active needed to be my “routine”- and it could look a thousand different ways. So here it is!As y’all know, I am constantly on the go. Whether it’s going to a business meeting, flying out of town to multiple cities at a time, or editing videos all night, I feel like my life never slows down! For a long time I just thought, “Well, this is how it is. Maybe one day I’ll have time to work out.” This is not the way it’s supposed to be! When I wasn’t getting active, I just felt yucky- I wasn’t necessarily gaining weight, but my body and my mind didn’t feel like they were reaching their highest potential. When I met Stevie, he really inspired me to start taking time for myself. Last year, I made up my mind to at least try to work out 5 days a week. I knew that didn’t necessarily mean I would be able to get in an hour or even 30 minutes; it just needed to be something. Working out slowly started becoming a part of my lifestyle and no longer a chore ;)
If you're feeling defeated and want to start your fitness journey, it’s crucial that you realize some key things. First, keep in mind you are different from everyone else, and you need to find a workout that suits you (and one that you enjoy, too!). I didn’t really know what I enjoyed at first, so I joined ClassPass so that I could try out a bunch of different classes. The goal for me was to find something I really liked so I could make it a regular thing. I know some of you will think I’m crazy for this, but indoor cycling really got me excited! Something about completely zoning into my workout and zoning out of the world motivated me to come back. I like to do this about 3 times a week if possible! It's really helped tone my body. We also devote 10 minutes to weights and my arms are finally showing some muscle!Cycling is fun but I realized after a while I needed to add something new into the mix. I convinced Stevie to try a new class with me at this training studio in West Hollywood called LIT. It’s all resistance training and let me tell you - I have NEVER been so sore in my life! It was such a fun experience but boy did it challenge my upper body! I totally recommend you guys check it out - it's pretty awesome.When traveling, I don’t burden myself with trying to find a gym or a workout class. This is my chance to take it easy and to do something fun AND active. Instead of heading to the gym, I like to go on a hike or a jog and explore wherever I am. I'll also add in my go-to 12 minute floor workout which I found on youtube 2 years ago and I've been doing it ever since. It's an INTENSE full body workout that basically doesn't require any weights or machines. Just you and some killer workout jams to get you through it!
(oldie pic: sweater above from Hanes, Shorts + Sports Bra from Fabletics)
If you don’t have time to make a class or get to the gym, take a quick walk or jog around your neighborhood. I love love love this, especially since moving into our new house. It’s fun to take different routes every day to explore new areas.I hope this post gave you guys a pick into my fitness life! I love to eat good food, but I also love my green smoothies and free-time to sweat. ;) My biggest advice to any of you trying to make fitness a lifestyle choice versus a chore is to find motivation to work out. For me, it's to feel happier and healthier. What's the motivation for you? Maybe you want to look better in that selfie photo or show your ex who's boss. ;) Find something that inspires you and keep going. I promise you'll learn to love it the more you commit to it.What fitness posts do you guys want to see me share next? Comment below and let me know.