There's nothing more motivating than summer creeping up and telling you to get your booty into workout mode. As many of you know from my Instagram, I've been sharing a lot more fitness related posts since FINALLY sticking to a nutrition plan and getting back on track with my goals. I slowed down on the #SazanTravels and that's helped me out quite a bit. Before traveling picks up again, I thought I would share my current fitness routine.
I've always enjoyed working out but I was never consistent. Over the past 5 months I've really been dedicating my time to working out and actually sticking to a fitness routine. I'm not a guru or expert by any means so I hope this post doesn't come off that way. I simply want to inspire you and share a few tips I've learned along the way. My biggest fitness goal from the start was to get stronger, tone my muscles and build more weight on certain areas of my body (a.k.a the booty!!). I'm already noticing results so it makes me happy knowing that my current fitness routine is working!Currently I work out 6 days a week. That might seem extreme to some but for me I really enjoy my workout time because it's the only time I really get to disconnect from everything. Even if I don't have the most productive workout day (like when it's the first day of my period), I'll still try my best to get something in! Mentally it has been a huge escape from the busy day-to-day tasks, and I'm enjoying it. Best of all, I canceled my gym membership recently because I don't need it!!! Say what??! See my schedule below :)Sunday: RESTMonday: Legs Day (currently on Kayla Itsines program) *30-45 minutesTuesday: Cardio Day (currently a member at Cycle House) *45 minutes spinWednesday: Arms & Abs (Kayla Itsines)Thursday: Cardio Day (Either spin or 30 minute jog around neighborhood)Friday: Full Body Workout (Kayla Itsines)Saturday: 1000 Calorie Burning Spin Class at Cycle House
Please keep in mind that I used to workout 3 days a week but eventually wanted more. Call me crazy but I genuinely get excited when I'm getting ready for spin class. LOL! I'm still far from reaching my goals but it's nice to see that working out is no longer a chore for me. It's an actual hobby!?! The best advice I can give if you're starting for the first time in a long time - start by identifying your fitness goals. Be specific! "I just want to be healthy", is pretty vague. Next, figure out what you like and don't like about working out. Curate a workout plan that you can look forward to and will help you achieve your fitness goal. Lastly, set yourself up with a healthy nutrition plan because diet is 80% of it all (here's the one I'm on), and NEVER forget to STRETCH!!! Especially if you're a spin junkie like me. :)What's your summer fitness goal? Bigger booty? Leaner tummy? Sound off in the comments!I just uploaded a 5 minute Gym Makeup routine video to my channel. See below in case you've been looking for tips in that department. <3
P.S. How to Motivate Yourself to Workout + Delicious Green Smoothie Recipe