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How I Lost my Baby Weight


I am officially 8 months postpartum and can say I feel like myself again! And it feels GOOD saying that. From pregnancy to labor to the new mommy fog phase, it really does something to you emotionally, hormonally and physically. I appreciate my body so much more now a days than I ever have. When I was pregnant I had little control over what my body needed to do to have Teeny. The process really forced me to let go of control as I watched my body transform week after week. It was like God was telling me to just let go and trust the process. The real test came after having the baby - I learned so much about patience and being kind to my body. My body was naturally shrinking back and I learned ways to help speed up the process in a healthy way.

sazan hendrix, postpartum, fitness, journey, diet, fab 4, be well by kelly, transformation, bbg, kayla itsines, sweat, workout, hiit, baby, mom's guide, working out, tips, how to lose
sazan hendrix, postpartum, fitness, journey, diet, fab 4, be well by kelly, transformation, bbg, kayla itsines, sweat, workout, hiit, baby, mom's guide, working out, tips, how to lose

There's this unrealistic expectation for new moms to "snap back" overnight. When people tell me, "Girl you snapped back so quick in 7 months", little do they know that was not the case. It has taken so much discipline and hard work to get where I am and I'm so glad I shared what my real postpartum fitness journey looked like with you. The I took photos of my body to track my progress are mind blowing when I look at them now.

sazan hendrix, postpartum, fitness, journey, diet, fab 4, be well by kelly, transformation, bbg, kayla itsines, sweat, workout, hiit, baby, mom's guide, working out, tips, how to lose


I'm not back at my pre-pregnancy weight because I personally didn't want to be that lean again. I am exactly where I wanted to be and am so happy I reached my personal goal! I am the healthiest I've ever been and most importantly feel really good on the inside. I'm on the right track and my new goal is to maintain and tone.

"How do you stay so motivated?"

The question I get asked most frequently is, "How do you stay so motivated?" I've learned there's three kinds of people out there. The person who knows what they need to be doing but made this cozy little hole for themselves that every time they try to dig themselves out of - they quit before they start. Or person #2 - someone who gets excited about being healthy and working out for 2 weeks and falls off the second life hits them with something "more important." Then there's person #3 - the girl who knows life is going to get crazy, busy, exhausting, overwhelming at times BUT still makes time for it. Why? Because this person doesn't see it as a chore. She sees it as part of her daily lifestyle and can't function without it - just like that daily cup of coffee. Fun fact: I've been all three of these types. Because sometimes it takes falling in a hole, starting and quitting 30 times before you find a routine that works. Find one that challenges you but makes you feel strong and one that you can learn to love!


There's a new upload on my channel sharing my fitness journey postpartum and more about what I did exactly to get here. Watch below. xo

I've never worked so hard on a personal goal as I did with this so I can appreciate all my hardwork and dedication! The BBG program is 28 minutes but it's no joke - you will SWEAT and see results if you stick to it. It's not an overnight transformation but every week I felt stronger than the last. You're going to want to quit or skip certain days but don't QUIT. Keep going if you miss a day and if you want - do it with a friend who will hold you accountable.


I briefly touched on my diet in the video but am currently doing grain-free dairy-free meals. I didn't really get too strict on my diet until I stopped breastfeeding at 4.5 months. However I did keep a close eye on my sugar intake and monitored my daily eating habits. I remember a week after having Valentina my stomach and digestive system just felt so out of whack. Everything in my body was in a transition phase of going back to it's originally place so I was shocked how I wasn't as hungry as I thought I would be while breastfeeding. In fact, I was more hungry throughout my entire pregnancy than when I was breastfeeding. I love following the Be Well By Kelly Fab 4 guide. I've been following it for years and spoiler alert: Kelly is actually going to be the upcoming guest on our Good Life podcast on Wednesday. On that episode - I will dive deeper into good health and my personal food journey. Kelly explained how the science of our body and how her plan turns off 8 hunger hormones in our body in a healthy and easy-to-do way. Subscribe to my podcast here and don't miss it because it's going to be a good one.

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