(Above: an oldie but goodie from our college days.)Happy almost Thanksgiving! The hubby and I are currently in Austin, Texas enjoying some much needed quality time with his family. Last year, the Hendrix's introduced me to FRIED TURKEY and I almost fell out of my chair (it was SO good ha!) I’m excited that this year I'll get to introduce Stevie to some of my family’s traditions! Yep we’re heading to my mom’s house for Thanksgiving in Dallas on Thursday. Say what??? All yumminess aside, if someone asked me 3 years ago if Steve would ever get to experience Thanksgiving with my side of the family, I probably would have laughed and said, “Yea right…get out of town!”Joke's on me. I don’t always share the details about the challenges that came with my parents accepting Stevie, but this year I am truly thankful to God that we will come together around my family’s Thanksgiving table and open our traditions to him. It’s exciting seeing my husband’s face light up for Mama Bay’s homecooking! I love how close he’s become to each of my family members. For those of you who know our love story, then you know it hasn’t always been the easiest path getting to where we are today. (Stevie and I come from two different backgrounds and that hasn’t always been perceived as a good thing on my side of the family.) I remember two years ago, I was sitting at my Thanksgiving table thinking, “This is going to be the last Thanksgiving I’ll ever have with my family because they will disown me when they find out about Steve..” I was afraid I would lose my family, but Stevie was worth risking it all for. Today, I can’t help but look up, smile and thank the Man upstairs for blessing my life. I got my family back and still won the man of my dreams. Hallelujah!
(Above: Last year's yummy Thanksgiving at The Hendrix casa!!)When I sit at the Thanksgiving table this year, and see Stevie laughing with my family, enjoying a big ole slice of my mom’s famous apple pie, I know that’s going to be my thankful moment. What are you thankful for this year? Take a moment and really think about it and feel free to share below (if you’d like!) It’s hard to believe that 2016 is almost over, but there’s still plenty of time for big things to happen. Love you all so much and hope you have an incredible Thanksgiving holiday!MwahP.S. My Pumpkin Roll Recipe + Heartbreak sucks..