Hey everyone.. it’s ya boi Steveasy aka Sazan’s hubby Stevie. I’m the writer for this guest post on her blog today celebrating my wife and our 1 year anniversary coming up. She told me she has a surprise of her own for me on Sunday (our actual anniversary date) so I'm looking forward to that. Today I’m keeping it 100 so I’ll refrain from being too goofy…. Or at least I’ll try ;)When Saz told me that I would be writing a blog post for her site I have to say that I wasn’t exactly thrilled. Writing is definitely not my strong suit. Over the past week my opinion on writing a blog has changed. Today I am excited to talk to you about my Wife. This is a woman who deserves all the praise in the world. She truly is the most wonderful person I have ever met. I tell her quite often that “I married the right one.” My love for her is stronger right now than it has ever been. My affection for her continues to grow each day as I watch her live her life. With that in mind, I thought that I would share with you 5 reasons why I decided to marry Sazan.(I had to keep it to 5 or else this would have been a novel….)
1. Character. When I met Sazan I thought that she was beautiful (obviously), but with such beauty usually comes a handful of problems. Now, I’m not going to lie. She has changed quite a bit since I met her… but nevertheless she has and will always be a person of deep character. I credit this to her parents and the great Kurdish traditions and values they instilled in her as a girl. Though she could act “crazy” at times, she always ended up doing what was right. She showed me how to forgive, how to be humble, how to work hard, and how to care for someone again. 2. Loyalty. Sazan is a RIDE OR DIE. This means she will fight for me until the end. Never once have I questioned her loyalty to me. I have never questioned if she only had affections for me. She makes me feel like I am the only man in the world. Again, I credit her parents for raising their children to give themselves to only one person. Sazan is dedicated and I love that about her :)3. Beauty. Obviously I had to put this in there, because let’s be honest- I think she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen! When I first saw Sazan in college I asked my friend, “Who is that?! I need to know that girl.” We all know Sazan is a looker, but it was the beauty inside of her that made me fall for her. When I was getting to know Sazan, she shared things about her life that I never expected to hear from a girl like her- a girl who looked like she always had it easy. That was not the case. She has been through her fair share of struggles and it has produced a realness in her that I find so attractive. I quickly found out that she had an amazing heart, and to me, that is truly beautiful.4. Forgiving. I am a handful. I have my good qualities, but I definitely can be a complete goon. I forget things constantly and lose things on the reg. The woman who ended up with me had to be forgiving and patient. Saz has always been quick to forgive me. I love that about her! That is exactly how Jesus was. He was all about forgiveness! In forgiveness I believe true love is exercised. Sazan has taught me how to be quick to forgive and I am so thankful to her for that.5. Godly. Last, but certainly not least! Sazan has been molded into a Godly woman. I knew from an early age that I wanted a Proverbs 31 woman. Someone who is hard to find, trustworthy, giving, respectful, and most of all loving. I know I was really only supposed to say 5 things, but there are so many reasons why I said, “I do”.
I really married her mostly because she would play along with all my homeschooled craziness! hahah! She’s always down to be a doo doo head with me and that’s the side of her I encourage her to share with all of you. Since I have a chance, I want to say thank you to all of Sazan’s readers and followers who have supported us through our ups and our downs. Being able to share our relationship openly with you and having your support has been such a blessing to us both. So thank you! I’m excited to see what lies ahead for Sazan and me, and we are glad to share the adventure with such awesome people. Lots of love Sazscribers!!!Love ya boi, StevEASYphoto credit: Jon Volk