It's a Saturday night and I'm currently laying on my couch watching Baby's Day Out. ha! ( The gorilla scene is my favorite part. lol don't hate) So last month, Stevie shared our love story as the first of many posts from our new relationships series here on my blog. Today Stevie is back and this time he's answering 23 questions about a bunch of random stuff including me, our work life, dating tips, RODRIGO and more. Keep reading...
^ lol. I found this headshot on my desktop. I feel like there are so many memes we can create for this photo. (hahahah sorry babe)
1. How do you manage to balance Sazan's career with your own personal dreams/goals? My ultimate dream in life is to have a successful marriage, wonderful family, and a successful business. I love working with Sazan and building our dreams together - while making people laugh in the process.
2. Is Rodrigo coming back any time soon? Rodrigo will be coming back soon? I love bringing Rodrigo back when people least expect it. So get ready...
3. What's the most annoying thing about Sazan? When she runs through the house like a crazy tornado cleaning things up and sometimes throwing away things that I love without asking lol! It’s getting better though. :)
4. What is your biggest fear when it comes to love? Love has no fear! 1 Corinthians 13 :)
5. Who were you pre-Stevie and Sazan? Were you really a player? Not a player! I’m just a friendly person, and sometimes I guess it came off the wrong way…(Saz I know you threw this question in here trying to troll me!!?!!)
6. How do you keep your relationship spicy? I think Sazan’s answer would be by putting more sriracha on it lol. I think you have to do things that are unexpected, and the hard part is remembering to do those things. For instance, the other day I wanted to take Sazan on a special date, so I got online and got us tickets to a basketball game! We rarely go but when we do we have a great time, so I decided to surprise her.
7. When are you having kids? HA. No hard dates are set, but Sazan and I definitely want a decent sized family. So I guess with that being said, we need to start soon? ;)
8. What are three current bands you’re obsessed with? Anderson Paak, the new London Grammar releases, and Bruno Mars lol
9. When and what was your last fight about? I wouldn’t say it was much of a fight - I lost an important piece of equipment for a job we were doing and Saz was REALLY upset at me. Rightfully so! I wanted to punch myself in the face (sorry bub).
10. From a man's perspective, any dating tips for women? Be yourself! I see a lot of girls trying to change their appearance or the way they act to impress guys. One thing I’ve always found attractive is the capability to be honest, authentic, and confident. If you’re a little weird and quirky, so what? Flaunt it!
11. What is one thing every woman should do for her man? Scratch his back! Lol maybe that’s just me, but a good back scratch is my favorite thing.
12. What is your favorite quality in a woman? Loyalty.
13. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Skydiving- even though I’ve done it before, this time it was from almost twice as high. That was crazy! Whoa
14. What should a woman never ask a man? To hold your purse (unless you’re married, in which case it’s fair game)
15. What is your definition of a healthy relationship? Honesty, good communication, and when you’re married…good times behind closed doors ;)
16. Favorite feature on Sazan? Definitely her eyes - fasho.
17. If you could change one thing from your wedding day, what would it be? (have to pick at least 1 thing!) I wish we had hired a DJ! Even though my playlist was on point, I had to run to my phone a few times to change the song….oh yeah, and I ripped my pants. #TooTight Oops.
18. Favorite thing about being married? Being a team. I heard it quoted at Stran’s (her sister’s) wedding this past weekend perfectly. In your lows, you have someone to lift you up, and in your highs, you have someone to share in the extreme joys with you, which make the highs all the sweeter. I love being married!
19. When was the first time you told a girl, “I love you”? My high school girlfriend when I was eighteen.
20. How many girlfriends have you had? Three. #3 was wifey. :)
21. How many boyfriends has Sazan had? Two (counting me)
22. Anything juicy about your wife you can spill? Don't ask Saz to calculate anything. Math is not her strong suit. lol
23. What is your advice for couples struggling in their marriage and/or relationship? Every situation is different, but one thing that spans across the board is to be the kind of person that you want to be married to.