Today I'm going to share some tips for maintaining a positive attitude in the workplace. I know it can be tough (especially if you're under a lot of pressure) but keeping the workplace vibe upbeat and positive can make a huge difference in the success of your business, and your life.As you guys know, I started this blog on my own. I was the only employee for several years before Steve came on as my partner. At first, it was hard letting go of certain responsibilities when I was used to doing it all myself. Not to mention, working with your significant other is a whole new ball game, we had to learn how to be a couple AND be business partners as well. Don’t think it sounds too difficult? Trust me - there are so many challenges that come from relationships and business being intertwined. Don’t get me wrong- I wouldn’t change it for the world, but we did have to figure out ways to keep our personal life and business at least a tiny bit separate.Now that Britt works for us as well, it’s basically a family business! It keeps things fun, but again- comes with its own challenges mixing work with family. :) Whether you work from home or in the corporate world, here are a few tips to keep the workplace a happy one!1. Recognize coworkers for what they do well. Whether you're the head honcho of a multi-million dollar company or an assistant to an assistant - compliment coworkers. You might have a higher title in the company, but that doesn't make you a God. Maybe someone's desk is always immaculately clean, compliment them! Maybe your assistant has been awesome with follow-up emails this week. Compliment them! The important thing is to recognize this and tell them. Everyone needs a little love to keep them encouraged and excited. The boss included!2. Be willing to help… with anything. This may not be in your job description, but if somebody needs some extra help with something, anything - be the person who jumps up to help. Don't wait until someone asks for help, just do! :) It builds morale in the workplace, and let’s your coworkers know you can depend on each other.3. Important conversations should never happen over text! If there’s a dispute or an argument, I will always have these conversations in person. This way nothing is misconstrued because you didn’t add in an exclamation point or a smiley face emoji! ;) Nobody enjoys confrontation, but at the end of the day it’s worth it to strengthen communication in the workplace. P.S. If you think it's easier confronting co-workers who are also family.. think again!4. Goof around sometimes - it’s okay! We all know the saying “All work and no play” but what’s the fun in that? It would make me a very dull boss if I didn’t lighten up sometimes - even in the midst of chaos. But really, it’s important to laugh and keep co-workers ALIVE during a busy day. We work from our office at home and it’s fun to see Sweetie come in and bug us sometimes! I believe the work day can still be a productive one if you can laugh and focus at the same time. ;)5. Company lunchtime - get to know each other outside of work conversations. If you’re all going out to lunch together or eating your lunches in the staffroom, make sure you talk about something other than work! It’s called a lunch break for a reason, right? In our little work world we have what’s called “cheat day Fridays” where we go out to eat a yummy lunch or have it delivered to the office. It’s the perfect way to catch up on life, weekend plans and celebrate at the end of a productive work week.6. Stay positive because attitude is everything. This might be the most important tip. A drama-filled and uneasy work environment can quickly become a toxic place. I get that there are jobs out there that "suck" and you might hate going to work everyday, but it's all about perspective. If this is you, I encourage you to tell yourself out loud before you walk into the workplace, “I am going to have a positive outlook today.” Repeat it again. It might feel silly at first to say this out loud to yourself but when you hear it, you receive it.7. Separate business from personal - As I mentioned, Stevie and I have had to learn a thing or two about balance. Whether you work with a family member or have personal drama going on at home, try to leave it outside the workplace. When I used to work in banking (side note: I hated it lol), I remember my drawer being off balance many times, and I would sometimes carry the disappointment home with me. Sometimes Stevie and I don't agree about something in the workplace and when it's time to turn work off and plan dinner, I sometimes have to remind myself to leave work at work and start talking to my husband - not my business partner. Keeping the two separate is key!8. You decide this one - comment below and share a personal tip that has helped you stay happy in the workplace. Sometimes I feel like I could use all the tips I can get. Comment because I’ll be reading these!!I hope these tips were helpful. At the end of the day, we’re all working to achieve greatness so let’s not beat ourselves (or co-workers!) down in the process. Success isn’t always about what you do for a living, it’s about WHO you are. Choose happy.