Hey fam! I just got back from Ireland and have been so jetlagged! I've been waking up early every day and it's crazy because this morning (Easter Sunday!!) I felt God put it on my heart to share this. So here it goes. Many of you guys have asked about my faith and have wondered how I became a believer of Jesus. Truthfully, the B.C. Days of my life (before Christ lol) I knew nothing about Jesus other than he was this religious figure who Christians believed was The Son of God. Following or believing in Him wasn't going to be a way of life for me. I'm sure he was great but I thought, No thanks. Part of this was no one in my family was a believer and I was raised to believe in a higher being and be a good person and just leave it at that.Fast forward to 6 years ago in college when I reached a really low point in my life and wondered, "Does God even care about me?" I hit a breaking point after nothing and no one could comfort me. I was lost. I wanted to give up on being a "good person." I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Clearly up until this point, I never tapped into my spirit or exercised any sort of faith. In a sense, I was out of shape! I just kept praying everyday wondering if whoever is up there will eventually answer my prayers and give me the life I thought I wanted. Aka "hook me up with the blessings God but just know I'm still in control okay?" I needed to hit that refresh button and re-focus but I didn't know how or where to start. Then came the wildcard in my life. A.K.A Stevie Hendrix. God entered him into my life at the perfect time (God has a way with timing.. ;) I was so drawn to the light I saw in Stevie, a light that I wanted to see in myself. He became my best friend and I always wondered how is this guy so genuinely happy without trying? LOLOL. I was drawn to his spirit more than anything (believe it or not considering he is a hottie!) Anyways. I learned the foundation of his happiness was built on something so much stronger than human/material things. Something that could never be shaken or torn down when darkness strikes. I was broken to pieces and God allowed that to happen not because He is an evil God, but because He was about to build me up STRONGER and BETTER than ever before. He was doing some mighty things behind the scenes in my life (little did I know at the time). When Jesus revealed Himself to me, I never looked back or questioned it once. It was the one thing in my crazy world that just felt so right at the time. I can't explain it in words. He was there. My spirit was alive. My parents were disappointed in me and worried I would forget about my Kurdish roots. They were scared I would eventually marry a man outside of our culture, which I did - and they disowned me for quite sometime but I just had to keep on going and trust God. The second I jumped into God's arms that's when amazing things started to happen. God not only brought my family back into my life, but he brought it back stronger. He doubled the love and all the blessings that came after that. My happiness was restored in a way that showed me there's so much more to life than what we see.My life is continuing to transform everyday. I'm 6 years in, and I still feel like a baby believer sometimes, but that doesn't mean Jesus loves me any less! I'm growing and changing and I'm in a season right now where I get emotional looking at my daughter because she really is a gift from God. She wouldn't be here if I didn't trust Jesus for my life, beyond what my parents and everyone else wanted for me. If I didn't take a risk and let go of my fears! I don't know where my life would be if I still was that same girl who didn't know Jesus - I remember the feeling of not knowing Him and it was so boring and lifeless so I'll pass! ???? My life isn't perfect by any means but I'm sharing this because GOD IS AMAZING! To know that there is a God who we can lean on and have a close relationship with if we let Him, is the best piece of advice I can ever give (from experience!) Jesus is my compass helping me navigate through this crazy life we're living in. It's not about religion or politics. We're constantly being over-stimulated by social media and I wonder sometimes if you guys think I live and breathe for Instagram. Lol! Deff not! Maybe you needed to hear this - if so, there's your sign. Praying you all have an incredible Easter and know why God did what He did on this day. Dark days will come, but He will be the light. And because of that light we can all have hope for the future. Hope for better days to come and to never lose faith. Xoxo