Hey fam! I hope you’re all safe, healthy, and happy. I’ve come to realize over the past few weeks that those are things that are a privilege and I’m going to actively try not to take them for granted. I hope you’ll join me in that!!
To give you a little Hendrix Family update- we are STILL RENOVATING! Lol. But we are almost there and so close to moving into our new home in Austin! It’s been such a blessing hanging out with family so closely over the past year, but we are excited to start this next chapter :) Teeny is riding a tricycle now (yep, she’s a big girl and I’m crying about it). Stevie has been heading up some amazing podcast episodes over the past few weeks (highly recommend our latest episodes [link] with Emory Blake and Bishop Ulmer). For me, I’ve been trying to push forward on some projects that were delayed due to COVID- it’s all about one step at a time y’all! I want to encourage you if you have something you’ve been putting off…just start. Do something small. One step at a time and eventually you will get there!!
And lastly, sharing a round-up of some products I’ve been loving below. It’s been such a crazy month, and I think all of our eyes have been opened to the struggle that the Black community has been experiencing for so long. I’ve been reading so much over the past couple of weeks, trying to educate myself on everything going on and how I can support the Black community better in my day-to-day life. Since I love sharing beauty and style inspo with you guys, I also included a round-up of some Black-owned items and brands that I love. I hope you’ll join me in being mindful, helpful, hopeful, and continuing to learn every day so that we can love each other better. Love you all so much. Until next time..