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What's in My Hospital Bag? , Checklist


Well, I'm officially 37 weeks today! :) With her nursery all done, I wanted to share with you guys what's in my hospital bag. It's crazy to think Baby Hendrix could be arriving any day now. She is head down - as low as she can go - so it looks like I'll be having a vaginal birth (yay!) which also means I'll stay just 48 hours in the hospital postpartum.

hospital, bag, items, pregnancy, tips, guide,  what to bring, checklist, hospital checklist, target, toiletries, slippers, skincare, baby

I'm packing two bags- one small bag for the baby and one duffle bag for me. Keep in mind; the hospital will provide a lot of the essentials for baby and me postpartum. Things like sanitary napkins for bleeding, baby diapers, breast pump, medicine, ointments, baby nail trimmer, and more so no need to take it with you, but make sure to stock up for when you're at home. See my list below:

hospital, bag, items, pregnancy, tips, guide,  what to bring, checklist, hospital checklist, target, toiletries, slippers, skincare, baby

What's in My Labor & Delivery Bag:Health CardBirth PlanCozy Socks/SlippersComfy RobeButton up PJ's (like this one)Nursing Bra (no wire)Granny Panties (ones that you won't mind throwing away)TowelMotherLove Nipple Cream (target)Breastfeeding wrapMy "Breast Friend" nursing pillowFavorite Snacks (post-partum)Phone chargerToiletries Bag (razor, toothbrush, hairbrush, hair tie, lip balm, deodorant, toothpaste, travel sized shampoo/conditioner/body wash, any skincare or makeup products)Going home outfit (I'm taking cozy knitted black leggings& baggy black sweater with comfy flats)What's in Baby's Bag?Going Home Outfit (washed) ** make it cute for pics but practical and comfy for baby!Blanket/Swaddle (washed)Beanie (washed) **hospital provides basic ones after delivery but if you want to take a cute pic bring your own.2-3 newborn white onesies just in case (washed)Soft Newborn Mittens (to prevent scratching his/her face)Tip: Make sure your infant car seat is already installed and ready to go in the car! They won't let you take the baby home without it. :)What's in Dad/Helper's Bag?SnacksPillowExtra set of clothesToothbrushDeodorantCash & WalletDeck of CardsCameraPhone charger

hospital, bag, items, pregnancy, tips, guide,  what to bring, checklist, hospital checklist, target, toiletries, slippers, skincare, baby

Stock Up At Home List:Baby: DIAPERS on deck! Pampers Infant Swaddlers (my doctor recommended)Baby: Thermometer Baby: Nail TrimmerBaby: Infant Baby Tylenol, Gas relief medicine in case.Mom: Antibiotic Ointment - Bacitracin (heard this will help you heal faster if you tear at all)Mom: Senecot (if you tear after delivery, you will want a stool softener)Mom: Nursing Pads - Bamboobies washable pads (this is so you don’t leak milk onto your clothes) or you can get the disposable ones which are convenient but not as comfortable. (can find both at Target)Mom: Tucks's Medicated cooling pads (recommended to help with the healing down there)Mom: Silhouette Diapers for after delivery or Maxi Pads (Get a lot and get the biggest size, you bleed A LOT, and it takes a while for the bleeding to stop, like a couple of weeks)That's everything I have in my hospital bag. I feel way more at ease knowing my hospital bag is packed up and ready to go. One less thing to worry about :) I hope this list was helpful! Is there anything you guys think I should add to my hospital bag? I would love to know!Swipe left or right to shop what's inside my hospital bag:

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