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My Labor & Delivery Story


Hey fam! As many of you now know (thanks to a little platform called Instagram) our baby girl is finally in the world! Valentina Grace Hendrix was born on December 5, 2017 at 6pm weighing a teeny but healthy 5 pounds 12 ounces.

sazan hendrix, birth story, valentina hendrix, blog, diary, mom, advice, epidural, delivery, hospital, los angeles, blogger, lifestyle, 2018, goals

I've been taking some much needed time off to rest. In my world, "time off" pretty much means unplugging from the day to day tasks of blogging, filming, editing, and managing a side biz (the bless box!). I'm so happy we had our baby right before the holiday. She officially turned one month this past week and is changing so much everyday. Thankfully, I'm taking as many pictures and videos of her as I can so I can look back and treasure the moments forever!I've been getting a lot of sweet messages from you guys asking how the labor/delivery experience went. I know you guys probably have tons of questions so I decided to film a candid little video (on my iPhone - like the good ole days hahah) and share the story. Let's just say, labor is so not what you envision it to be in your mind. Well, for me it wasn't at least. Watch the video on my channel HERE to see why.

sazan hendrix, birth story, valentina hendrix, blog, diary, mom, advice, epidural, delivery, hospital, los angeles, blogger, lifestyle, 2018, goals

Valentina is seriously my real-life doll. She has already taught me so much about life and who I want to be. I love her so much and it's true what they say. When you become a mom your entire world, priorities and goals change for the better. It's not easy but it's already been so rewarding. Any mama's out there got any advice for me? I'm still taking it all in!

sazan hendrix, birth story, valentina hendrix, blog, diary, mom, advice, epidural, delivery, hospital, los angeles, blogger, lifestyle, 2018, goals

Thank you for all your continued support. I'm excited we're officially in a new year. This is going to be a great one - I can already feel it. xoxo!

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