If you caught yesterday’s surprise IG post, then you've probably already heard the news. It feels really surreal finally getting to share what I’m about to type. EXCITING NEWS PART 2.
If you read the part 1 post then you probably know the story of the new home and how that came about. There's a second part to that story, of course. When we were house hunting all around Los Angeles and beyond, I WAS PREGNANT and didn’t even know it. In our new house, there's a huge second closet in the master room that was converted into a mini nursery room. I remember seeing that and thinking, “Cute! But we wont be needing this for a while so I’ll just make it an extra storage closet.” I was wrong! LOL. That little mini nursery is now the biggest blessing that came with this house because that is where Baby Hendrix is going to be for several months when he/she comes into this world!
Stevie and I were going to start trying sometime next year, but God decided this is happening NOW. We all know where babies come from, of course, but this miracle completely caught us by surprise. Stevie even joked, "Are you sure I'm the father?" (He is such troll. hahaha.) Don't get me wrong - we were SO happy when we found out but we also couldn't believe it! I've definitely had a lot of time to soak this all in mentally, physically and most importantly spiritually. What's my life going to look like in 7 months? a year? I feel like God is using this season to shape me, sharpen me, and CALM me. I've had no choice some days but to REST. I'm learning now more than ever how to take a step back from our busy schedule and take care of myself.
My life routine over the past 4 months has completely changed and I'm going to share more with you guys. I knew I couldn't go completely black from the internet and my followers, so I tried my best to keep content flowing while hiding this big secret. FYI- I'm horrible at keeping secrets so if you guessed I was pregnant at some point along the way, it's because I don't know how to be a good liar. lol! Most of the photos you’ve seen of me have been slightly photoshopped in the tummy area and/or were old photos I had on my phone that I was posting to keep the bump under wraps. Sneaky Saz!! Forgive me. :)In case you’re wondering if I’m going to become a “mommy blogger,” the truth is - not 100%. I'm just taking this journey one step at a time and want to continue life as I normally would. We've really been enjoying the past few months of life and we're soaking up the next 5 months of it being just the two of us. And Sweetie of course :)
Now that I'm 16 weeks and showing, I feel like it's perfect timing to connect with other moms out there. I’m going to be a first time mom and I have no clue what to expect during or after this pregnancy. The thought of going into labor and trying to picture what contractions feel like, freaks me out! I'm really enjoying this beautiful process, but I'm also a human, and want to know is it normal I'm gaining weight like this and craving THIS MANY CARBS?! The beauty in all of this has been empowering for me as a woman and I feel blessed that I will accomplish my biggest dream in life soon - birthing a child. All carbs aside, I do not take the blessing of being pregnant for granted.
We do know the gender thanks to a little blood test (NIPT) I took when I was 10 weeks. It was a non-invasive test that checks our baby's genetics and it's mind blowing that the baby's DNA and sex chromosome is detected in my blood. I got the results back when I was 12 weeks and was happy to hear everything came back normal. That was the greatest news before hearing anything else. Although, I hate surprises and I definitely wanted to know the baby's gender ASAP! ahaha. We aren’t quite ready to reveal the gender news publically yet because we’re surprising our family members with a little reveal party this weekend. In the meantime, keep guessing away!Baby Hendrix will join our world THIS YEAR. My due date is expected to be December 11, 2017 so please keep us in your prayers for a smooth, healthy pregnancy. I'm finally in my second trimester and feeling fantastic. I'm going to update you guys on first trimester post soon!
To be honest, the hardest part of my first trimester was keeping this a big secret from my online fam! It made me realize and appreciate that I have built a career around completely being myself. The things I do are centered around life's seasons and not being able share the news was hard but a risk I had to take. Thank you for always being there for me. First came love... then came marriage... then came Sweetie, our new house and now there's a baby on the way! When I share these moments in my life, I truly feel like I'm connected to each and every single one of you. I feel like you're all my best friends and it's totally not weird to me if you feel the same way! This connection is what has truly given me the ability to do what I do without hesitation - it is an incredible blessing to have such a supportive online community. Love you guys! :)
I have so much I want to catch you up on but my husband said I should wrap up this novel of a post! (He's probably right. Are you still there?) I’m almost halfway through this pregnancy and I feel like there’s so many questions I want to ask fellow moms (or moms-to-be) out there who can give me personal advice throughout this journey. I don’t know what being a mom looks like, but I’ve never been more excited to find out.Thank you all so much for the incredible support and love. Stevie and I are beyond thrilled and cannot wait to see if Baby Hendrix is going to look like mommy or daddy? hahah! We decided to Vlog throughout this journey, so keep a look out on my channel this week for a very special and intimate upload.P.S. These breathtaking photos were taken in our new home with our photographer bestie Jon Volk - who also shot our wedding. Here's been there for all the special moments. :) And special thanks to my makeup queen Lyndsay Zavtiz for taking away my tired eyes and Carly for rocking my hair. My dress is from Bardot (got it at Nordstrom).