Happy Friday! It's gloomy and rainy in Los angeles today which gives me the perfect excuse to whip up some homemade chicken noodle soup that's actually good for the soul. I wish I could take all the credit for this, but it's actually my mother-in-law's famous recipe. It's one of the first things I ever made for Stevie after we got married and it's been one of the easiest so far. ;)Whether it's rainy outside or you're craving a good 'ole bowl of homemade soup - I thought I would share this delicious recipe that I can't get enough of. It's hearty, delicious and has tons of flavor. It's also healthy and easy to make! (p.s you'll have leftovers all weekend).
1 whole organic chicken
1 -2 bay leaves
Salt and Pepper
Sliced carrots- anywhere from 8-12 large carrots to your taste
Chopped celery- 2-3 stalks with leaves
1 chopped onion
Fresh spinach (I slice it up really thin)
Chicken bouillon (Try the one from Whole Foods or Sprouts that is MSG free. It comes in a brown plastic tub)- I add several Tablespoons until the broth tastes like I want it
Thyme- just a pinch of dried thyme
Noodles (whatever you like!..I love the thicker Amish style if you can find them)
1. Fill large pot with water (enough to cover the chicken) and add the bay leaves and salt and pepper. Boil until the chicken is done - roughly 45 min to an hour on medium-high heat.
2. Once chicken is ready, pull it out to cool. While it cools, simmer down the pot to medium-low heat and add in your chopped carrots, celery, onion, and fresh spinach.
3. Pick the chicken until all the meat is off! You can shred it with your hands or chop it up into thin slices. Add it into the pot with everything else.
4. Add in several tablespoons of the chicken bouillon mixture to give this soup a yummy taste! Also, add the pinch of thyme - it makes a difference! Let everything boil until the carrots are tender.
5. Cook the noodles in a separate boiling water pot and when its nice and soft you can add it into the soup mix!
Then you're all set. You can easily feed 6-8 people with this recipe! Bon appetit!