The other day my sister and I started randomly chatting about the 5 things in her kitchen she'd never be caught without. It's like she knew off the bat her top 5. She instantly called them out: almond butter, fresh garlic, spinach, eggs (she makes a killer egg salad), and vegan mayo.That made me think. We all have a little list, don't we? What we eat says a lot about who we are - it's like a personality test. What's your top 5? I'm interested to know!I really had to think about this one and ask myself, "What do you always have in your kitchen, Saz?" I think mine would have to be avocados, almond milk (great for a morning smoothie), fresh lunch meat from the deli (roll it up - best snack ever), tortilla chips (a must), and Sriracha (my ketchup). Totally random, right?What about you? I want to hear...Cheers!