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My Second Trimester , BABY HENDRIX

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It’s true what they say. The second trimester has left me feeling my absolute best. I’m 25 weeks and it’s so crazy to think that this little jelly bean is growing FAST inside of me. She weighs 1.5 pounds and is the size of an Oscars statue! It’s no wonder why she’s already my little prized possession.

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I’ve got about 3 weeks left in this trimester and thought I would recap how things are going since my last post.CRAVINGSCravings have totally chilled out (for the most part) since my first trimester. I still love spicy and sour foods, but my appetite has calmed down. I’ve really been focused on eating healthier and giving the baby more nutritious food options to keep her growing strong! I love avocado toast in the mornings (aka this recipe), fresh green juices, sweet potatoes, and lots of fruit (mangos, watermelon and peaches oh my!).

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HIGHLIGHT MOMENTMy first trimester's highlight was hearing the heart beat. Can you guess my second trimester “moment”? When I started feeling baby girl kick, hands down!! I wanted to cry! It made this pregnancy feel EVEN more real. She loves to kick between 9pm-midnight every night. I’m sure I’ll feel her kicks the more she grows and the more she hears daddy’s voice! (she already loves Stevie’s accents lolol)

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MARRIED LIFEStevie and I have been soaking up every moment together this trimester. I don’t know what it is, but I seriously think we are the closest we’ve ever been. We are the best of friends and are cherishing every single moment together - just the two of us (and Sweetie of course hehe). We’ve had so many fun date nights, cuddle nights on the couch, fun trips and staycations and the list goes on. We are so excited that we JUST booked our baby moon for the end of September (after fashion week madness!) and we can’t wait to enjoy our time together. Cheesy but true - just when I thought it was impossible, I’m even MORE in love with my husband than ever before. We can’t wait to see the product of our love, aka the beautiful human being we created together. (and.. 15 reasons why I love my husband.. did you see?)

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BIGGEST CHALLENGEThe biggest challenge this trimester has been FINDING CLOTHES THAT FIT! I finally cleaned out my closet and decided to put my old clothes in storage so I could clear some space for transition clothes that actually fit. I’ve been loving ASOS maternity and size medium or large in dresses from H&M, ZARA and Forever 21. I’ve also been wearing my husband’s tee shirts and boxers to bed - not gonna lie. (Mamas: please comment some maternity stores you love! I’m still a rookie!)

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NESTING PHASEIt’s true what they say about the nesting phase. I have actively taken on so many tasks around the house in preparation for the baby. The baby has 100% been the motivating factor behind this. We got our living room and master room completely made over (did you see?) and are currently working on the nursery. I’ve also signed up for some pregnancy classes through our hospital that I’ll be starting later in October - I can’t wait! I even finished my baby registry last weekend, which was something I’ve been dreading honestly. (why is shopping for babies so overwhelming… too many things out on the market!!!!). I knew I had to get the registry done asap because we’re having two baby showers and my party planners were begging me for the registry so they can send invites! Safe to say - registry is done and everything else is coming together. Some days it feels like all we’re missing in the picture is the actual baby!

working out tips, stevie and sazan, second trimester, tips, pregnancy, sazan pregnany, pregnancy, gender reveal, pinterest, ideas, style, fashion, beauty, baby, news, maternity, second trimester, blog, mommy bloggers, los angeles, kurdish

WORKING OUTAs soon as I got my energy back in this second trimester, I started working out again - and let me tell you, it has been a blessing. Truthfully, working out was a passion of mine before I got pregnant. For the past 2 years, I've consistently been in a groove with cycling and #BBG, but when I got pregnant I stopped. Part of me was exhausted most days during my first trimester and the other days I was afraid I was going to hurt the baby. Silly, I know. #FirstTimeMomProbsI got down on myself one day and told Stevie, “I miss my cycling days and wonder if I'll ever want to do them again…” Guess what he did. He surprised me one Saturday morning with a Soulcycle class for both of us to do together (cycling isn't really his thing but he knew it would encourage me if we went together!) It was the sweetest surprise. Even though pregnant women can enjoy safe indoor cycling, I thought those days for me were over until post-baby. I felt so accomplished at the end of that class and guess what - I FELT GREAT! I guess part of me was nervous to walk into these classes like I was a newbie again. I felt re-motivated after that class. I’m really glad my husband did that for me because it pushed me to work out again. Since then, I’ve been working out about 5-6 days a week - simply doing light jogs/walks/hikes around my neighborhood and at home prenatal pilates (this is the one I do). On Saturdays (if I’m up for it) I’ll treat myself to a cycling class for fun since I enjoy them so much! :) I may not be able to control my hormones or what’s going on with my body, but it’s nice to still be in control of my health and fitness routine. I’ve been able to stay on track with managing my pregnancy weight and I feel like my old self again. Best of all, I’ve had ZERO back pains/sciatica this trimester and fingers crossed it stays this way!BIGGEST FEARI’ve been hearing so many birth/labor nightmare stories that I started to freak me out about mine for a second! When people describe what their contractions felt like, I cringe every time, but again, I’m trying not to think about the pain and focus on the epidural. ha!!! JK But really, pregnancy is such a beautiful miracle from start to finish so I’m just keeping my eyes on the angel growing inside of me and hopefully all this prenatal pilates will help make my labor easy peezy!BABY NAME?We have her name picked out, but we’re still going to keep it a secret until she’s born. I will say that her name is in the family. ;)

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CURRENTLY READINGTBH, I’ve been enjoying this trimester so much that I’ve been a horrible student. I haven’t opened a book all trimester and I’m okay with that :) I did start chapter one of Baby Wise recently but haven’t had the urge to pick it up and read. I’ve been sticking to brushing up on some great plans in my bible app including one called, “Unsupermommy” - it really dives into the expectations we put on ourselves as mommies and ways to LET GO and really LET GOD. It’s been such a breath of fresh air for me! (and so easy to read)COMING SOONStevie and I are currently wrapping up our Second Trimester VLOG coming soon to my YT channel. We still have three weeks to go in this phase and there are a few more exciting things we want to capture before we edit and share! I can’t wait for our 4D ultra sound appointment we scheduled when I’m 28 weeks. We are going to get a REAL close up look at baby girl and see how she’s doing in there. I also can’t wait to see her tiny but developed little features (aka will she have hair or not?) I'm still wondering if she'll look like me or her daddy? Here's another fun throwback of me below...lol

stevie and sazan, second trimester, tips, pregnancy, sazan pregnany, pregnancy, gender reveal, pinterest, ideas, style, fashion, beauty, baby, news, maternity, second trimester, blog, mommy bloggers, los angeles, kurdish

That’s it for now. Let me know if you guys want me to share my updated skincare routine (a lot of you have already requested!) Love you guys so much and appreciate you taking the time to hang out and read this post. Chat soon - have an amazing day!!!!P.S. My First Trimester + VLOG

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