Happy Monday! I figured I would jump start the week with a fun little survey sharing 25 things you don't know about me. Anyone else agree with #20? lol
1. My blood type is (B-). (Did you know only 15% of the population is a negative blood type?)2. I am terrified of crickets.3. I’ve always wanted to go on an African safari.4. I was a TERRIBLE math student.5. My family and I raise our voices when we speak but that doesn't necessarily mean we're yelling at eachother. (took Stevie a while to comprehend this lolol)6. My first job was a bank Teller (Texans Credit Union, What what)7. I could probably eat mexican food everyday. (#TacosAreLife)8. I stole candy from the grocery store one time and my mom made me take it back.9. I’m still mad I didn’t study abroad.10. I believe that great things happen to those who serve others.
11. I always knew I wanted a dog. We never had one growing up and a puppy was always a dream of mine. Sweetie was a long time coming!12. I’m not afraid to get the inside of my nostrils waxed!13. I make the best TURKEY CHILI. Just ask Stevie!14. I have almost no Flexibility. It’s sad.15. I always cry when I watch this trailer. (Sweetie must live forever)16. I’m (now) a LA girl, but I think I’ll always identify most as a Southern girl.17. I wish my parents lived closer to me.18. At 6, I cried everyday before Kindergarten because I couldn't find the "perfect" outfit to wear so my mom had to force dress me. (true story!)
19. I met my husband in college in the Radio, TV, Film Department at UNT. (I made the first move)20. I can’t stand the sound of someone else's chewing. (myself included)21. Whenever MeanGirls is on, I’ll watch it.22. I was born the same day as STING (October 2nd baby)23. At 5, I was deeply in love with Barney.24. I hate goat cheese. (ack!)25. I hope I raise my kids to be kind, loving, and honest human beings.YOUR TURN: Answer one or all of the following prompts from the above survey (or choose your own!):I’ve always wanted to...I was born the same day as… At 5, I was deeply in love with…I could probably eat _____ everydayI can't stand...So fun! Have a great week!