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25 Things You Don't Know About Me

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Happy Monday! I figured I would jump start the week with a fun little survey sharing 25 things you don't know about me. Anyone else agree with #20? lol

nttv, university of north texas, sazan hendrix, 25 things, survey, fun games, questions, blogger, blog, monday, golden retriever, baby, ice cream museum, los angeles

1. My blood type is (B-). (Did you know only 15% of the population is a negative blood type?)2. I am terrified of crickets.3. I’ve always wanted to go on an African safari.4. I was a TERRIBLE math student.5. My family and I raise our voices when we speak but that doesn't necessarily mean we're yelling at eachother. (took Stevie a while to comprehend this lolol)6. My first job was a bank Teller (Texans Credit Union, What what)7. I could probably eat mexican food everyday. (#TacosAreLife)8. I stole candy from the grocery store one time and my mom made me take it back.9. I’m still mad I didn’t study abroad.10. I believe that great things happen to those who serve others.

nttv, university of north texas, sazan hendrix, 25 things, survey, fun games, questions, blogger, blog, monday, golden retriever, baby

11. I always knew I wanted a dog. We never had one growing up and a puppy was always a dream of mine. Sweetie was a long time coming!12. I’m not afraid to get the inside of my nostrils waxed!13. I make the best TURKEY CHILI. Just ask Stevie!14. I have almost no Flexibility. It’s sad.15. I always cry when I watch this trailer. (Sweetie must live forever)16. I’m (now) a LA girl, but I think I’ll always identify most as a Southern girl.17. I wish my parents lived closer to me.18. At 6, I cried everyday before Kindergarten because I couldn't find the "perfect" outfit to wear so my mom had to force dress me. (true story!)

nttv, university of north texas, sazan hendrix, 25 things, survey, fun games, questions, blogger, blog, monday, golden retriever, baby

19. I met my husband in college in the Radio, TV, Film Department at UNT. (I made the first move)20. I can’t stand the sound of someone else's chewing. (myself included)21. Whenever MeanGirls is on, I’ll watch it.22. I was born the same day as STING (October 2nd baby)23. At 5, I was deeply in love with Barney.24. I hate goat cheese. (ack!)25. I hope I raise my kids to be kind, loving, and honest human beings.YOUR TURN: Answer one or all of the following prompts from the above survey (or choose your own!):I’ve always wanted to...I was born the same day as… At 5, I was deeply in love with…I could probably eat _____ everydayI can't stand...So fun! Have a great week!

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